Hi, we are pleased to inform all Members that the AIOFP and its business model has been selected by a global insurance distribution business to assist its expansion into the mainland Chinese advice market. The thawing of political relations with China has now enabled the opportunity to progress.
This was announced at our recent Gold Coast conference and mentioned in our Conference summary.
In 2019 we were approached by Auto and General Ltd CHINA CEO Sharon Wan to assist with their objective of modernising the Chinese insurance based financial advice culture by up skilling their Adviser network to Australian standards. The onset of COVID and poor political relations delayed the process at the time.
Auto & General are a global underwriter and distributor of general and life insurance products. They have 9 million clients, 7500 employees and 31 offices including Australia, France, UK, Turkey, Thailand, Singapore, South Africa and China. Qantas, Virgin, Budget Direct, ING and Compare the Market are the Australian partners.
Ms Wan recognised that the Adviser focussed AIOFP culture, our consumer relevant Certified Financial Strategist [CFS] designation and our Advice Training Course are the foundation tenets of a successful service to consumers and professional advisers in China. Now based in Shanghai, Sharon has been a Sydney resident since 1990 and has monitored the development of the AIOFP over the years.
We are pleased that the AIOFP brand and business model has been independently and internationally recognised as the best for Advisers and their clients in Australia. Considering most of Asia have an insurance-based advice culture like China, there will be other opportunities in neighbouring countries.
Sharon attended and spoke at the opening day of the conference and was well received by members.
The benefit for AIOFP’s Australian based members will be any new revenue will be used to increase Member services and promote the AIOFP brand to Australian consumers.
There will be some exposure in the press shortly.
Peter Johnston | Executive Director
Association of Independently Owned Financial Professionals
Suite 1211, 1 Queens Road, Melbourne VIC 3004
P 1800 111 203, d 03 9863 7574, m 0418 857 621
www.aiofp.net.au | Download my business card
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