Are you seeking autonomy, certainty and flexibility in a licensee partner?

We provide existing and aspiring self-licensees a comprehensive range of support services – Lifespan Partnership will help you:

  • Focus on your business and reduce the distractions that come with operating your own AFSL.
  • With the AFSL application process from start to finish for those wanting to go self-licence.
  • Spend more time with your clients, and less time managing your licence requirements.
  • Manage your Responsible Manager obligations with peace of mind that comes from appropriate training and guidance.
  • With different service packages that provide flexibility, enabling new and existing AFSLs to choose and modify packages that best suit their individual AFSL needs.
  • To a well-resourced and experienced Compliance team. Our Compliance Manager has previously operated his own AFSL for 8 years and was a Responsible Manager, as well as an adviser. Therefore, operationally has a strong grasp on all aspects of running a compliance AFSL.
  • Ability to network with other like-minded AFSLs via our virtual and live Peer Group sessions.

Kind Regards,

Tony Mantineo

Head of Lifespan Partnership
Lifespan Partnership Pty Ltd ABN 26 638 043 384
Lifespan Head Office: Suite 4, Level 24, 1 Market Street. SYDNEY NSW 2000
PO Box Q1917, Queen Victoria Building, NSW 1230
Vic Office: Level 14, 330 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000
M 0405 357 634 W