A professional advisory group with their own AFSL is looking to acquire the administration/management of Self-Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSF’s) on a national basis from advisors and accountants.
They have the systems, reporting facilities and management capability to supply a competent and professional end-to-end service for trustees. Full coverage can be implemented electronically and with Zoom meetings for clients right around Australia.
With a competitively priced service offer they are well placed to provide a compliant and effective service in this growing space.
Set up to support SMSF’s with or without property in them they are a growing force in this market.
They provide a high touch service and guarantee a return is lodged with the appropriate authorities on time if the client provides the required records and data as requested.
SMSF’s with assets in Shares, Property, Cash, Art/Collectibles or a combination are most welcome.
If you are the trustees of an SMSF in the Health, Rural, Professionals, Legal or Property investments, then this may be the cost-effective answer for your compliance and recording solutions you have been looking for.
If you are an accountant or Financial Advisor/Planner that is selling or even just thinking about selling your SMSF clients, then please let us know as the group are very keen to acquire in this space.
The group will also consider purchasing the entire practice if a full exit is the preference.
For an introduction to the principals to discuss engagement processes, services and fees payable to the vendor please give Jim Prigg a call on 0408 520 453 or jim@knowledgemaster.com.au.