The CEO of the AIOFP, Peter Johnston reports on, Mediocrity and Mohicans, “It’s Time” campaign and minimum education standards for politicians

Hi, the below link to a Paper will ‘ruffle a few feathers’ in the Nation’s capital for very good reason, please have a read. We also have included some approximate calculations on the pension outcomes for Albanese and Dutton that may surprise you.

Like the legendary North American native Indian tribe the Mohicans, over the past 20 years the Political elite in Canberra are literally a dying breed replaced by some Politicians who are intellectually and/or ethically challenged.

Mr Bernard F Quinn KC’s Opinion on the 99FA Legislation confirmed what we all suspected, Treasury Bureaucrat lawyers are second tier intellects but they are really running the county –‘Politicians come and go, the Canberra public service are always there’ as the saying goes. The CSLR/Dixon fiasco is yet another example of their power and arrogance.

The Political degradation started on May 13th 2004 with the first reading of the 1948 Parliamentary Contributory Superannuation Act in the Senate to abolish it, PM John Howard pushed it through into legislation and it has been downhill ever since.

The only time the Advice community has a real opportunity to influence legislation change without Bureaucrat oversight is leading into a Federal election. Over 94% of all Politicians are post 2004 therefore they do NOT get a pension if they lose their seat, that is their ‘Achilles Heel’ we can exploi – nothing like self-interest to determine outcomes.

This election will be bitter and very close with the result linked to who wins the marginal seats. This is where the Advice community has an exceptional advantage, Advisers have over 2 million clients who listen to and respect their financial adviser views over money and political matters.

We can be the ‘King maker’ in these seats, Politicians are now realising the power of the Advice community.

We want to use this leverage against the most vulnerable marginal seat Politicians to get bipartisan agreement to our objectives, but we need your help. Times are tough but they will be even tougher waiting for another political window in 2028….imagine the saving if we can get the CSLR/Dixon issue fixed?

We need as many members as possible at our Canberra Conference to intimidate and we need your support to help fund our campaign to carry out our objectives.

Just allowing our new Office Manager Kathy to settle in before we approach you with the funding model.


Peter Johnston | Executive Director
Association of Independently Owned Financial Professionals
Suite 1211, 1 Queens Road, Melbourne VIC 3004
P 1800 111 203, d 03 9863 7574, m 0418 857 621 | Download my business card

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