Dear Mr Yanko,
now that you have informed the industry of which ASIC person had carriage of the legal action against DIXON, can you please respond to the following questions –
- Considering ASIC had success in the Federal Court against Dixon with a $7.2 million fine over numerous Adviser failure’s to not act in the best interests of Consumers, why has there not been any action against the Dixon Executives or Advisers who presided over their advice methodology and culture? [We note action against Dixon Executive Paul Ryan for breaches of Director duties around insolvency]
- Now that this ASIC person is no longer an employee, are you going to commence action against the Dixon Executives/Advisers?
- We understand one of these former Dixon Executives is now the Director of the Adviser Unit in the Department of Treasury, considering this person was in charge of Dixon Advice, are you comfortable with this outcome?
- We believe a group of Canberra Bureaucrats have corruptly manipulated the CSLR/Dixon issue to force the Advice industry to compensate Bureaucrats who lost personal savings in the Dixon product failures. We have lodged a complaint with the National Anti – Corruption Commission [NACC], we are requesting ASIC delay invoicing Advisers for the CSLR levy until NACC has reviewed the matter, will ASIC comply with this request?
Below is a link to ASIC’s recent Dixon statement.
We look forward to your immediate response.
Peter Johnston | Executive Director
Association of Independently Owned Financial Professionals
Suite 1211, 1 Queens Road, Melbourne VIC 3004
P 1800 111 203, d 03 9863 7574, m 0418 857 621 | Download my business card
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